

  • Whisper Pyannote Fusion

    In this article, we explore the methods for fusing the outputs of whisper (which does automatic speech recognition) and pyannote (which does speaker identification and segmenting).
  • Transformers Tutorial (In More Detail)

    This post is just a detailed elaboration of the tutorial at The goal is just to get a more better idea of how a transformer comes together. The repo for this article is at
  • Policy Gradient Theorem for One Step MDPs

    Let us consider the simplified case of one step MDP to see the policy gradient theorem in use. Every episode is just a single step. The episode starts, takes an action and then ends with a reward for that step. We present a simplified version of the policy gradient theorem for this one step episode setting with simplified proofs. We then present a simplified example of rock, paper and scissors which only lasts a single episode.
  • MLE and MAP

    In this article we will explore the estimation methods of MAP and MLE. From the data we have, we would like to estimate a model that best explains the data. MAP and MLE describes techniques to find the parameters of a distribution given the data. We start with the probability definitions that build the foundations of the definitions of MLE and MAP, show the mathematical definition and then examples and code samples for them. In this article, we give a good foundation to the workings of MAP and MLE.
  • Using pre-compiled headers in GCC/Clang using CMake and usage in Catch2

    Pre-compiled headers can speed up the total compilation times. As gcc compiles each C++ file, the pre-processor adds each and every header file into a big file and then compiles that big file. In most cases, the same file is getting compiled multiple times over and over again. If we can process and compile the header files and use the results, we can save a considerable amount of time.

  • Deduce Return Type of a Function in C++

    C++ functions can have return type auto and it is not always obvious what the return type of a function is. The return type can be dependent on template parameters as well. In this article, we’ll go over finding the return type of a function for compile time use. I will also go over the tricks to get the compiler to tell us the type so it’s not a big guessing game.

  • Basic Setup for GTest and CMake (Platform Independent)

    This article is just a quick guide to get started on a gtest project. Since gtest is a compiled library, there is just way too much headaches with platform depdency or how things stuff is set up. Plus, if you use any CI system, there is more headache to get your CI system also set up. With this article, this will set it up easily and started with gtest and without having to muck around with the platform.

  • Data Binding for ListView and ListBox

    In this article, I want to explore the tricky aspects of data binding for ListView and ListBox. There are a bunch of small caveats to achieving this and I will go into minimal example illustrating how to do this.

  • Keyboard Accelerators (Shortcuts) in C# WPF (A minimal example)

    This is a simple example of how to implement a keyboard shortcut in C# WPF. I couldn’t get a lot of code samples available out there to work so this is just a minimal example of one menu command.

  • WPF GridView Cells Formatting with Data Templates and Style Triggers

    XAML sometimes feels like a bunch of random magic incantations. There is obviously some detailed model of how things work but sometimes it just gets in the way of doing something simple.

  • Automating Generating Dependent Files as Part of Build Process in Visual Studio

    If there are files that are needed to build the project (e.g. XML files) and those files are generated by an external tool, it can be very annoying to remember to run that tool before every build. We end up wasting a lot of time running the external tool, and we forget to run the tool then we waste even more time with strange behaviors.

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